About the Amazon

Sao Paulo, August 29, 2021

According to a study by the Semeia Institute and the Boston Consulting Group, increased investment in National Parks could create one million jobs in Brazil. Accordingly, tourism in Brazil accounts for 7.7% of the gross domestic product. In a ranking of 25 nations made by the WEF (World Economic Forum) , Brazil classified as the 18th when comparing the dimension of its natural resources with the participation in the GNP. The list is headed by Croatia (with 25%), followed by Thailand (19.7%) and Mexico (15.5%). Eco tourism activities in National Parks could contribute up to the 7.2 billion Euros to GNP, according to the study. To achieve this, investments in the parks infrastructures would have to be increased and the domestic tourism of Brazilians, classified as "far below potential", would have to be intensified. The benefits of such investments are also ecological, as ecotourism helps to conserve natural resources, creates greater ecological awareness, and offers healthier alternatives to leisure activities.

Note: Southern Cross Tours & Expeditions offers unique tours in the most beautiful of Brazilian National Parks

São Paulo - Brazilian government is taking advantage of two different systems to fool the public. The today officially announced decline of the Amazon deforestation by 18 % in 2013/2014 are good news and disproves the suspicion that the opposite, increased deforestation, might be the case.

The government was hiding information during the pre-election period in recent months in order to avoid negative impacts on the candidacy of Dilma Rousseff. Withheld was among other information the monthly data of the Deter system, which uses satellite images to support the surveillance operations of Brazil's environmental protection agency Ibama.

Manaus – Annete Runge - According to the latest research results of the WWF, scientists have discovered 441 new species during several expeditions in different regions of the Amazon rainforests between 2010 and 2013. 258 so far unknown plants, 84 fish species, 58 amphibians, 22 reptiles, 18 birds and one mammal: the caquetá titi ape.

Some odd discoveries, such as the black lizard Cercosaura Hypnoides, whose tail is speckled with red, flame looking spots, were made. The thumbnail-sized frog Allobates amissibilis and the seldom fish Apistogramma cinilabra astonished scientists not only with its appearance but also in regards to the environment it lives in. The fish is, unlike other species, capable to survive in waters with very low oxygen levels.

The most beautiful of all lately discovered plants is the pink-blossomed Sobralia Imavieirae.

All these new discoveries are just another proof of the uniqueness and the beauty of the Amazon rainforest, according to the WWF the region with the world’s highest biodiversity.

However, agricultural activities and the construction of new hydroelectric power stations are destructing the living environment of many species and therefore threatening their existence.

Further travel modules for your trip at scte-brazil.com

  1. The magical sand dunes of Lençois Maranhenses National Park, stunning nature scenes between river and ocean in the Rio Parnaíba Delta, and Serra de Ibiapaba with its national parks Ubajara and Sete Cidades with its tabletop mountains and breathtaking waterfalls.


  2. Southern Cross Tours & Expeditions has pioneered Jaguar Photo Safaris in the Pantanal. Our experienced wildlife guides show you the elusive cat in the wild.


  3. Hiking far off the beaten track through magnificent landscape, offering high sierras, table mountains, caves, rapids, waterfalls and traditional local population in what was once one of the world biggest diamond mining regions